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Feel free to reach out using the below details. If we don’t answer your call right away, we are probably in the shop building arms! Leave a message and we promise to get back to you after we clean up. 


936 Industrial Park Road, Orem, UT 84057


Mon-Thurs 8AM-4PM MST

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A promise from the owner

If you manage to break It,
we'll replace it.

As the founder of Core 4×4, I stand behind our unwavering commitment to delivering top-tier, American-made products that don’t break the bank. We take immense pride in our craftsmanship, sourcing materials domestically to ensure the highest quality possible. Our team goes the extra mile to rigorously test and refine every product, ensuring it not only meets but exceeds industry standards. When you choose us, you’re choosing durability, reliability, and affordability. That’s not just a business model— it’s a promise, from our family to yours.

Spence Schramm
Founder, Core 4×4